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Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Leap of Faith


在決定申請ALLEX獎學金之前,(在做過數學計算以及評估過後續的價值之後)也想過無數的負面理由跟最壞狀況,萬一如果是最常出現在腦海裡的詞。 但是總是會問自己難道真的連應付這些狀況的能力都沒有嗎?這不就是挑戰的第一步嗎?挑戰的第一步就是克服對未知的恐懼,相信自己有能力面對未知的挑戰,而不放棄。 美國人有句話說,Take a leap of Faith。不是矇著眼跳,而是相信自己的大步跨出去。

For Caviar and Pineapple Cake, going to the US is not just about getting a degree. It's about a challenge to ourself outside of our comfort zone and see what's out there for us to find. It sounds vague and ambiguous and uncertain altogether. And quitting good jobs and your responsibility to your family and become an international student just doesn't sound right to most of the people around you. Your parents think you are being unrealistic, your colleagues think you are crazy and your boss thinks you are just stupid. All these questions challenge your determination and that naive passion of yours to grow. How do you measure between a possibility in the future and what you have already achieved and let it go? Caviar realized that the more you own, physically and mentally, the less you can let go and move on. But you can always find a new job, you can always make money if you work hard yet you can't relive your life again. And only at the moment of deciding what to keep and what to let go will you realize that the most important things in your life is not the number in your bank account (Although it would be nice to have a lot of them), nor a fancy sports car or big house (Not that I have either of them, ha), but the people that understand you and support you to pursuit your goals.

Before Caviar decided to go for the ALLEX program, often the thoughts of all possible worst cases and negatives clouds my mind and "What if" was always what drives a person mad. But if you come to think of it, isn't that the first step of the challenge even before you decide to take the challenge? The first step is to conquer the fear to the unknown, and believing in yourself that you can face all the uncertainty and never give up. As the saying goes, take a leap of faith. Not blind faith though, but with the faith in yourself.

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