1. 書面審查
2. 拼音筆試以及由美國總部派來的中英文主考官面試
3. 學校配對
初期的接洽會是以一位日本人Eriko Akamatsu以及一位美國人David Patt為主,舉辦說明會以及回答任何相關的申請問題,這兩位都非常的專業並且都能在很短的時間提供解答,並且會一路的協助協助參與者到完成ALLEX,非常的重要。
Teaching Associate Program (TAP全額獎學金的學位)
Teaching Fellow Program (FP在美國大學教中文)
* 報名需繳交的文件也可以參考網站,有詳細的內容可以看。
So after you made up your mind to participate in ALLEX program. The first step is of course apply for it.
The whole process of application includes
1. Application of credentials (Including TOFEL/GRE score, GPA in college, Statement of purpose, etc...)
2. An oral interview with ALLEX.
3. School matching.
Throughout the process you will be in contact with staff of ALLEX in the US and staff from OH! STUDY in Taiwan. Basically ALLEX cooperate with OH!STUDY to provide better language support locally for the initial stage of promotion and orientation. Also, ALLEX will use their office to conduct orientations and interviews. However, other than keeping good relationship with OH! STUDY staffs who are really helpful, it is strongly recommended to keep good relationship with the staffs of ALLEX. Because they will not only be the main contact windows for the application but will also support you throughout your entire 2 years in the US.
At initial stage you will be in contact with Ms. Eriko Akamatsu and Mr. David Patt. Although they are based in Ithaca NY and will only come to Taiwan for orientations and interviews, they are highly responsive through internet and they always get back to you within 24 hours. And they are all very experienced consultant and very aware of the situations and concerns you might have. So please make sure to have good communication with them and do not hesitate to ask for their help. Caviar still remember the first time meeting Ms. Akamatsu and she immediately recognized my name and the details of my application, even Pineapple Cake's name!
So, let's start with the first stage.
Based on the info on ALLEX official site. The program offers 2 options for teaching Chinese/Japanese in the US. 1 year as FP and 2 years as TAP. Since Caviar applied for TAP so the experience sharing will be based on TAP program. Other than your basic information and resume and why you want to participate, the most important credential will be your score of TOEFL and GRE, since the TAP program is aimed for getting a master degree. However, please note that higher scores in this category is not a guarantee for matching to a better school since there are many other variables in terms of considering school matching. Still, these 2 scores are the foundations towards whether you will succeed in the US academic system and thus you will definitely have better chance if you can provide high scores for these tests. ALLEX recommend to have at least 100 for TOEFL and 300 for GRE. So for those of you who are interested in the program please make sure to start your preparation early so that you have more time to get a higher score.
After you submitted your application, ALLEX will review your credentials and will give you a notice for passing the first stage of evaluation. That means you will be invited to an interview with ALLEX staff.
But during this waiting time, Caviar strongly recommend you to start practicing Pinyin and get very familiar with it. There will be a written test on Pinyin prior to the interview and most important of all, your teaching in the US will be based on Pinyin system instead of Zhuyin. It will save you a lot of time to be familiar with it at this stage, especially for your summer training courses. At the same time, it is a good timing to review your budget and start planning for the years to come. Believe it or not, the times of waiting for the result may seem long and weary but once you got the match you will be very busy and the earlier you start with budget planning the faster you can keep up with this pace.
*related posts 相關文章*
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (上)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 1
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (中)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 2
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (下)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 3
ALLEX life in Wichita, Kansas
*related posts 相關文章*
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (上)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 1
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (中)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 2
ALLEX 第三階段 - 學校配對 (下)/ Step 3 School Matching Part 3
ALLEX life in Wichita, Kansas
看到這個部落格 真是太棒了!!! 我現在也是在準備申請這個計畫 看到你鉅細靡遺的將你的經驗po上來 真的很有幫助 :) 現在苦讀 GRE中 真的很崩潰 哈哈 只是想跟你說謝謝 :)希望在美國一切順利 也希望我能順利錄取!!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Trista
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I totally understand the frustration with GRE. However it is one important thing for you to focus on at this moment if you are applying for 2014. Good luck for that! If you have any question, feel free to let me know. I will probably visit the training program next summer if it takes place in St. Louis. Hope to see you there :)
ohhh that would indeed be awesome!! and thank you for the encouragement!!
ReplyDeleteyes!! GRE is so much harder than TOEFL! and i am applying for this term, im just wondering,how GRE score works? and what grade would be considered as "acceptable" ? :P im taking it on 10/19 which is happening very soon, yet im way behind being prepared :(
Well, for GRE you have to combine both Verbal and Quantitative to count as total score. I would say at least 300 or more for GRE will give you a good position, I didn't get much time to prepare either so I only got 312 for both sections combined. And for analytical writing, I think the minimum acceptable score is 3.5. I think it is much harder to improve Verbal greatly in a short period of time, yet it would be easier for Taiwanese to score high in Quantitative if your math is ok, they are basically just high school stuff. That's the part I would try to secure first. Verbal is really about logic although the English is difficult as well. But that would be something you definitely should keep studying even after the test cause that will surely help with your graduate studies here. Any information you need let me know :)
Deleteit is really nice and kind of you for answering to all of my questions! :) i really appreciate it, just wondering tho, whats the perfect mark for GRE? and I thought GRE score would be taken separately based on each part instead of adding them all together? and did you say that it would be safer to get over 100 on TOEFL iBT? i got 104, but not sure if thats enough? and hope everything is going well with you teaching chinese over in the US :)
DeleteHey! Sorry for a bit late reply. Well, the new GRE is certainly confusing both in its format and also the scoring system. The perfect score is 340 total, with 170 for each verbal and quantitative respectively. However, the lowest score possible is not 0 for each section but rather it is 130. So the possible total score ranges from 230 to 340 rather than 0~340. And you will see separate scores for 2 sections on your score sheet but it is usually considered all together unless you are applying for specific subject such as Math, then you can't have a super high Verbal, say 170 and very low quantitative like 130, although it totals as 300. I think TOFEL 104 is pretty ok for your application, I can't say if it is really enough for the year 2014 but if you are confident that you can get higher score and you have time to do it, I would say take it at least one more time.
DeleteThank you so much for the detailed explanation!! it helped A LOT! i have been so confused with its grading system and couldnt make it out on my own by looking up on the net. your info is really helpful, but you said that the lowest grade would be 130, so would the total would be 260 for the lowest instead of 230? I am now just trying to cram as many voc as i can into my brain :P a great thank you to all of the kind replies! :D
DeleteHey, thanks for double checking, you are right the lowest total should be 260. Typed too fast didn't notice. Good luck for your preparation, those vocabs will surely help you with your study in Grad school.
Deleteok!!! thank you so much!! you have been such a great help! :D may things are going well with you too.
Delete謝謝您的分享!對即將申請的人有很大幫助 並對這個計畫有更進一步的認識!Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDelete想請問一下 申請單中 ALLEX Educational Program 的表格TPA 和FA依順序填入1.2
TPA共有三空格 FA有兩格 若想申請兩種 是五格中去填入1.2 還是分開填1.2 ? 可以問一下FA中 FELLOW(Non-Degree)和High School Teaching 有什麼不同嗎?
Hello 彥伶
關於FA中的Fellow, 就是一年期的純中文教學,是沒有學位的,這適合若是你對於在美國教中文有興趣,而不是以讀研究所為主要目的。一般來說,時間較短且沒有課業壓力,你可以專注在教學。而High School Teaching,我的認知是這是從我們2013年才開始的一個選項,一般的中文教學機會都會是以大學課程為主,但是由於目前美國學中文的興趣提高,很多高中也希望能夠提供課程,因此也增加了ALLEX的機會,在高中教中文除了地點不同之外,當然學生是高中生以及學制跟大學不同都是要留意的地方。我們這期的例子是兩年期的TAP, 一樣是在大學念碩士學位,但是教中文的部分是在附近的高中而不是在就讀的大學。對於TAP來說會跟一般狀況稍有不同,但是對於FP來說,差異相對較小,都是在學校教中文。細節的部分每所學校的狀況都不同,每年的狀況也都會有差異,因此請還是以當年度ALLEX的說法為準。希望有幫助到你!
祝你一切順利^ ^ 彥伶
ReplyDelete但是我一直很worried 費用的部分
ReplyDeleteHello Umbrella!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete感謝您的分享~想請教您一件事情~我是預計一年兩後申請ALEX獎學金,比較在意學校分發的事情,簡章上是說分發制,不能選擇學校,也提到如果有更好的托福成績與GRE成績,有助於分發結果,這樣的意思是考越好的成績,分發的學校會越好嗎? 還是分發的因素很多,所以考越高的分數不一定會到較好的學校~:P
Delete不好意思,這個問題已經超出我的經驗範圍,一切還是以ALLEX官方公告為主喔 :D
可以透漏遺下GPA 嗎
ReplyDelete我還有五學期 目前2.96 不好看 沒80 然後有機會修學程 應該去嗎 我有一學期太爛